New content related to targeted diseases has been added to the website. The Targeted diseases section of the website contains brief information on diseases that can be prevented with the help of vaccines. New diseases listed in the Targeted diseases section are monkey pox, dengue, and RS virus. The information snippets also cover available vaccines and other useful links.
RS virus (respiratory syncytial virus) causes a mild upper respiratory tract infection in adults and older children. In elderly and young children, it can cause a severe lower respiratory tract infection, pneumonia, or bronchiolitis, which can lead to severe breathing difficulties and may require hospitalization. RS virus spreads efficiently through droplet transmission and usually causes infections during the winter season. The vaccine is not included in the national vaccination programme, but it can be obtained with a prescription from a pharmacy or medical center.
Dengue fever, caused by the dengue virus, is primarily spread through mosquito bites. The majority of dengue infections are asymptomatic or mild. In severe cases, the infection can develop into dengue hemorrhagic fever or dengue shock syndrome, which can lead to death. Previous dengue infection increases the likelihood of severe disease. The disease is widespread in tropical and subtropical regions of Asia, South America, and Africa. The vaccine is not included in the national vaccination program, but it can be obtained with a prescription from a pharmacy or medical center.
Monkey pox is an infectious disease caused by a virus. Monkey pox is transmitted primarily from animals to humans, but it can also be transmitted between humans, particularly in direct contact with skin lesions of a patient, and also as droplet transmission in sustained facial close contact. As a rule, monkey pox is poorly transmitted in contact between humans. In 2022 most infections outside Africa were contracted during sex. The cutaneous symptoms usually manifest 1-3 days after the start of fever. A vesicle type rash appears particularly in the face, hand and feet areas. Usually the disease is self-limiting when the symptoms have lasted 2-4 weeks. Monkey pox can also cause a serious disease particularly in those with a weakened immune defense. In Finland the monkey pox vaccine is given to people who are exposed to monkey pox or belong to a risk group.
Read more: Targeted diseases
The website is an online service whose aim is to produce easily understandable and reliable information on vaccines and vaccination for citizens. The website provides information since 2014, when it was implemented as part of the Reliable information on vaccines development project. The website is maintained by Pharmaca (formerly Pharmaceutical Information Centre) in cooperation with companies and associations.