My vaccinations

Vaccinations for students and young adults

The majority of students and young adults have received the vaccinations included in the National Vaccination Programme via child health clinics and school health care. Their immunisations are supplemented as necessary via student health care, health centres or occupational health care.

  • When people go from being covered by school health care to being students, the responsibility for immunisation shifts to them. The vaccination history can be checked from the health card provided by the school nurse or from the MyKanta service. Booster shots are necessary for certain vaccinations, such as diphtheria and tetanus.
  • Students who work in health and social care or in pharmacies are also given other vaccinations depending on the workplace. Vaccinations are given in student health care, health centers or occupational health care.
  • Outbound exchange students should check the destination country’s and host institution’s requirements regarding vaccinations and medical certificates. In the United States, for example, the regulations vary from state to state. Country-specific recommendations are listed in the Traveller’s Health Guide published by the National Institute for Health and Welfare.
  • People who are going abroad for work can usually obtain information on the necessary vaccinations from their occupational health care provider.
  • Backpackers who travel to less-developed regions in Asia, Africa and South America require more comprehensive immunisations than outbound exchange students.
  • The most significant health hazards facing travellers are food, traffic, alcohol and drugs. It is important to be mindful of what you eat, avoid excessive alcohol consumption, use condoms, say no to drugs and take out travel insurance.