Corona virus vaccinations that have a marketing authorization in Finland


The corona virus (SARS-CoV-2) causes primarily an acute respiratory infection that is spread as a droplet infection. The clinical picture may vary from almost asymptomatic to severe. Advanced age particularly combined with a basic illness increases the risk of a severe illness and death.

An immense amount of resources has been employed globally in developing the corona virus vaccines, and the development has progressed at a record pace. Usually the research phases are conducted consecutively, but this time they have been done concurrently. Time has also been saved by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) -conducted rolling review, in which the safety, efficacy and quality of the vaccines have been evaluated with the same criteria as in the normal marketing authorization process, but in an accelerated manner as soon as research results have been attained. Usually the evaluation is performed all at once, when all the results are ready.

Below we have collected the corona virus vaccinations with a marketing authorization in Finland. The list has been updated 4th of November 2023. 

Corona virus vaccinations that have a marketing authorization in Finland and the year of marketing authorization

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The news article was first published 17.12.2021 and last updated 4.10.2023. 

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