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Guest blog: The flu vaccine is the most effective way to avoid the flu

Tuesday 24.10.2023 klo 16:43

Mika Rämet

Seasonal flu and its complications affect people of all ages every winter. In Europe, about 50 million people get sick from them every year. The most effective way to protect yourself from the disease is the flu vaccine. How can the changing flu viruses be combated more effectively in the future and people protected from the disease?

Corona virus vaccinations that have a marketing authorization in Finland

Wednesday 04.10.2023 klo 11:50


The corona virus (SARS-CoV-2) causes primarily an acute respiratory infection that is spread as a droplet infection. The clinical picture may vary from almost asymptomatic to severe. Advanced age particularly combined with a basic illness increases the risk of a severe illness and death.

Guest blog: Cancers caused by HPV can be eradicated by vaccination

Friday 25.08.2023 klo 11:28

Katja Kero

One of the priority projects of the European Union's cancer control program aims to root out cancers caused by the human papilloma virus (HPV) by 2030 in the EU. The EU's goal is vaccination coverage exceeding 90% for girls and a significant increase in vaccination coverage for boys. 

Every child deserves to be vaccinated

Monday 15.05.2023 klo 09:42

The vaccination of children helps to prevent many diseases that were once common and are, at worst, life threatening. The youngest children are at the greatest risk of getting these diseases.

Finland started vaccinations in the early 1800s with vaccinations against smallpox, but the country continued to have a high rate of child mortality for a long time. 

International vaccination week’s theme this year is The Big Catch-Up

Monday 24.04.2023 klo 12:33


Each year, the international vaccination week is celebrated during the last week of April (April 24–30). The aim of the theme week is to protect people from vaccine-preventable diseases by promoting the use of vaccines. Vaccines save millions of human lives every year and inarguably form one of the most successful and cost-effective health measures.