The COVID-19 vaccine is offered to children aged 5-11, and the third dose of the vaccine is recommended to everyone over 18 years of age
28.12.2021Municipalities can henceforward offer COVID-19 vaccinations to everyone aged 5-11 years. The government changed the decree concerning COVID-19 vaccinations so that the vaccine can be given to everyone in Finland aged 5 years or older. The decree took effect on 23.12.2021. Previously the COVID-19 vaccine was only offered to those aged 5-11 years who belonged to a risk group for severe COVID-19 infection.
In Finland approximately five percent of those aged 5-11 years have been diagnosed with verified COVID-19 infection by the end of November 2021. 0,2 % of them were treated in a hospital. It is estimated that 20-40 % of those aged 5-11 years will be infected with COVID-19 by the end of March 2022, and 30-100 of them will be hospitalized, if the age group is not vaccinated.
Based on information gathered from other countries COVID-19 vaccines seem to cause similar adverse effects in those aged 5-11 years as in those aged over 12 years. Most of the adverse effects are mild and transient, e.g. redness and swelling of the administration site, fever, headache, tiredness, muscle soreness and chills.
THL also recommends offering a third vaccine dose to everyone over 18 years of age 4-6 months after the second dose. People over 60 years of age and those at other risk groups can receive a third dose of the vaccine 3 to 4 months after the second vaccination. To those with a severe immunodeficiency the third dose is recommended two months after the second dose. Also the fourth dose is recommended to those with a severe immunodeficiency.
- THL: Uusi koronarokotuksia koskeva asetus astuu voimaan 23. joulukuuta – myös 5–11-vuotiaille mahdollista tarjota koronarokotuksia (in Finnish)
- THL: THL suosittelee vakavasti immuunipuutteisille neljättä koronarokoteannosta (in Finnish)
- Ministry of Social Affairs and Health: More health care professionals to vaccinating, vaccinations to be offered to people aged 5 years or over
- THL: THL recommends COVID-19 vaccines for at-risk children aged 5 to 11 years, more information on safety is required for the entire age group
- Mediuutiset: THL suosittelee koronarokotetta riskiryhmiin kuuluville 5–11-vuotiaille lapsille – Rokotukset voitaisiin aloittaa jo joulukuussa (in Finnish)
- THL: THL suosittelee kolmannen koronarokoteannoksen välin lyhentämistä – riskiryhmille kolmas annos voidaan tarjota 3–4 kuukauden rokotusvälillä (in Finnish)
- THL: THL recommends that third coronavirus vaccine doses be offered 5 to 6 months after the second dose to all those aged 18 or over
- Mediuutiset: THL: Kolmas koronarokote annetaan kaikille täysi-ikäisille – Osa saa Comirnatyn, osa Spikevaxin (in Finnish)