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Vaccination coverage varies among healthcare professionals


Terveydenhuollon ammattilaisten rokotuskattavuudessa vaihtelua

Vaccination coverage among healthcare professionals varies by professional group and area. The number of vaccinated professionals is highest among nurses and practical nurses. However, a higher proportion of doctors have been vaccinated than nurses.

According to a report by the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare, nearly 60% of doctors have received the vaccination, while 50% of X-ray nurses, more than 40% of laboratory assistants and nurses and fewer than 40% of midwives and public health nurses have been vaccinated. Fewer than one-third of dentists, dental nurses and practical nurses have received a vaccination. Around 20% of physiotherapists and dental hygienists have been vaccinated.

There were also differences in vaccination coverage between hospital districts. The largest regional differences in vaccination coverage were detected among midwives and in dental care. Vaccination coverage varied from 15% to 74% among midwives, and from 8% to 67% among dentists.

The report by the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare covered coronavirus vaccinations administered by 15 April 2021.
